Source code for pewanalytics.stats.sampling

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import random
import numpy as np

[docs]def compute_sample_weights_from_frame(frame, sample, weight_vars): """ Takes two :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` s and computes sampling weights for the second one, based on the first. \ The first :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` should be equivalent to the population that the second \ :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`, a sample, was drawn from. Weights will be calculated based on the differences in \ the distribution of one or more variables specified in ``weight_vars`` (these should be the names of columns). \ Returns a :py:class:`pandas.Series` equal in length to the ``sample`` with the computed weights. :param frame: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` (must contain all of the columns specified in ``weight_vars``) :param sample: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` (must contain all of the columns specified in ``weight_vars``) :param weight_vars: The names of the columns to use when computing weights. :type weight_vars: list :return: A :py:class:`pandas.Series` containing the weights for each row in the ``sample`` Usage:: from pewanalytics.stats.sampling import compute_sample_weights_from_frame import nltk import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer"inaugural") frame = pd.DataFrame([ {"speech": fileid, "text": nltk.corpus.inaugural.raw(fileid)} for fileid in nltk.corpus.inaugural.fileids() ]) # Let's grab a sample of speeches - some that mention specific terms, and an additional random sample frame['economy'] = frame['text'].str.contains("economy").astype(int) frame['health'] = frame['text'].str.contains("health").astype(int) frame['immigration'] = frame['text'].str.contains("immigration").astype(int) frame['education'] = frame['text'].str.contains("education").astype(int) sample = pd.concat([ frame[frame['economy']==1].sample(5), frame[frame['health']==1].sample(5), frame[frame['immigration']==1].sample(5), frame[frame['education']==1].sample(5), frame.sample(5) ]) # Now we can get the sampling weights to adjust it back to the population based on those variables >>> sample['weight'] = compute_sample_weights_from_frame(frame, sample, ["economy", "health", "immigration", "education"]) >>> sample speech text economy health immigration education count weight 7 1817-Monroe.txt I should be destitute of feeling if I was not ... 1 1 0 0 1 1.005747 11 1833-Jackson.txt Fellow citizens, the will of the American peop... 1 0 0 0 1 2.370690 34 1925-Coolidge.txt My countrymen, no one can contemplate curre... 1 0 1 1 1 0.344828 35 1929-Hoover.txt My Countrymen: This occasion is not alone the ... 1 1 0 1 1 0.538793 28 1901-McKinley.txt My fellow-citizens, when we assembled here on ... 1 0 0 0 1 2.370690 """ if len(weight_vars) > 0: frame["count"] = 1 sample["count"] = 1 sample_grouped = sample.groupby(weight_vars).count() sample_grouped /= len(sample) frame_grouped = frame.groupby(weight_vars).count() frame_grouped /= len(frame) weights = frame_grouped / sample_grouped weights["weight"] = weights["count"] for c in weights.columns: if c not in weight_vars and c != "weight": del weights[c] try: sample = sample.merge( weights, how="left", left_on=weight_vars, right_index=True ) except ValueError: weights = weights.reset_index() index = sample.index sample = sample.merge( weights, how="left", left_on=weight_vars, right_on=weight_vars ) sample.index = index else: sample["weight"] = 1.0 return sample["weight"]
[docs]def compute_balanced_sample_weights(sample, weight_vars, weight_column=None): """ Takes a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` and one or more column names (``weight_vars``) and computes weights such \ that every unique combination of values in the weighting columns are balanced (when weighted, the sum of the \ observations with each combination will be equal to one another). Useful for balancing important groups in \ training datasets, etc. :param sample: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` (must contain all of the columns specified in ``weight_vars``) :param weight_vars: The names of the columns to use when computing weights. :type weight_vars: list :param weight_column: An option column containing existing weights, which can be factored into the new weights. :type weight_column: str :return: A :py:class:`pandas.Series` containing the weights for each row in the ``sample`` .. note:: All weight variables must be binary flags (1 or 0); if you want to weight using a non-binary variable, \ you should convert it into a set of dummy variables and then pass those in as multiple columns. Usage:: from pewanalytics.stats.sampling import compute_balanced_sample_weights import pandas as pd # Let's say we have a set of tweets from members of Congress df = pd.DataFrame([ {"politician_id": 1, "party": "R", "tweet": "Example document"}, {"politician_id": 1, "party": "R", "tweet": "Example document"}, {"politician_id": 2, "party": "D", "tweet": "Example document"}, {"politician_id": 2, "party": "D", "tweet": "Example document"}, {"politician_id": 3, "party": "D", "tweet": "Example document"}, ]) df['is_republican'] = (df['party']=="R").astype(int) # We can balance the parties like so: >>> df['weight'] = compute_balanced_sample_weights(df, ["is_republican"]) >>> df politician_id party tweet is_rep weight is_republican 0 1 R Example document 1 1.250000 1 1 1 R Example document 1 1.250000 1 2 2 D Example document 0 0.833333 0 3 2 D Example document 0 0.833333 0 4 3 D Example document 0 0.833333 0 """ if len(weight_vars) > 0: num_valid_combos = 0 weight_vars = list(set(weight_vars)) combo_weights = {} combos = list( set( [ tuple(row[weight_vars].values.astype(bool)) for index, row in sample.iterrows() ] ) ) for combo in combos: if weight_column: combo_weights[combo] = float( sample[ eval( " & ".join( [ "(sample['{}']=={})".format(col, c) for col, c in zip(weight_vars, combo) ] ) ) ][weight_column].sum() ) / float(sample[weight_column].sum()) else: combo_weights[combo] = float( len( sample[ eval( " & ".join( [ "(sample['{}']=={})".format(col, c) for col, c in zip(weight_vars, combo) ] ) ) ] ) ) / float(len(sample)) if combo_weights[combo] > 0: num_valid_combos += 1 else: del combo_weights[combo] balanced_ratio = 1.0 / float(num_valid_combos) combo_weights = { k: float(balanced_ratio) / float(v) for k, v in combo_weights.items() } sample["weight"] = sample.apply( lambda x: combo_weights[tuple([x[v] for v in weight_vars])], axis=1 ) else: sample["weight"] = 1.0 return sample["weight"]
[docs]class SampleExtractor(object): """ A helper class for extracting samples using various sampling methods. :param df: The sampling frame :type df: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param id_col: Column in the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` to be used as the unique ID of observations :type id_col: str :param verbose: Whether or not to print information during the sampling process (default=False) :type verbose: bool :param seed: Random seed (optional) :type seed: int """ def __init__(self, df, id_col, verbose=False, seed=None): self.df = df self.id_col = id_col self.seed = seed self.verbose = verbose if not self.seed: self.seed = int(round(1000 * np.random.random()))
[docs] def extract(self, sample_size, sampling_strategy="random", stratify_by=None): """ Extract a sample from a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` using one of the following methods: - all: Returns all of the IDs - random: Returns a random sample - stratify: Proportional stratification, method from Kish, Leslie. "Survey sampling." (1965). Chapter 4. - stratify_even: Sample evenly from each strata (will obviously not be representative) - stratify_guaranteed: Proportional stratification, but the sample is guaranteed to contain at least one \ observation from each strata (if sample size is small and/or there are many small strata, the resulting \ sample may be far from representative) :param sample_size: The desired size of the sample :type sample_size: int :param sampling_strategy: The method to be used to extract samples. Options are: all, random, stratify, \ stratify_even, stratify_guaranteed :type sampling_strategy: str :param stratify_by: Optional name of a column or list of columns in the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` to \ stratify on :type stratify_by: str, list :return: A list of IDs reflecting the observations selected from the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` during \ sampling :rtype: list Usage:: from pewanalytics.stats.sampling import SampleExtractor import nltk import pandas as pd"inaugural") frame = pd.DataFrame([ {"speech": fileid, "text": nltk.corpus.inaugural.raw(fileid)} for fileid in nltk.corpus.inaugural.fileids() ]) frame["century"] = frame['speech'].map(lambda x: "{}00".format(x.split("-")[0][:2])) >>> sampler = SampleExtractor(frame, "speech", seed=42) >>> sample_index = sampler.extract(12, sampling_strategy="random") frame[frame["speech"].isin(sample_index)]['century'].value_counts() 1900 6 1800 5 1700 1 Name: century, dtype: int64 >>> sample_index = sampler.extract(12, sampling_strategy="stratify", stratify_by=['century']) frame[frame["speech"].isin(sample_index)]['century'].value_counts() 1800 5 1900 5 2000 1 1700 1 Name: century, dtype: int64 >>> sample_index = sampler.extract(12, sampling_strategy="stratify_even", stratify_by=['century']) frame[frame["speech"].isin(sample_index)]['century'].value_counts() 1800 3 2000 3 1700 3 1900 3 Name: century, dtype: int64 >>> sample_index = sampler.extract(12, sampling_strategy="stratify_guaranteed", stratify_by=['century']) frame[frame["speech"].isin(sample_index)]['century'].value_counts() 1900 5 1800 4 1700 2 2000 1 Name: century, dtype: int64 """ strategies = [ "all", "random", "stratify", "stratify_even", "stratify_guaranteed", ] if sampling_strategy not in strategies: raise Exception( "You must choose one of the following sampling strategies: {}".format( strategies ) ) doc_ids = None if sampling_strategy == "all": doc_ids = self.df[self.id_col].values elif sampling_strategy == "random": doc_ids = self._random_sample(sample_size).values elif sampling_strategy.startswith("stratify"): if self.verbose: print("Stratify on columns: {}".format(",".join(stratify_by))) self.df["_stratify_by"] = ( self.df[stratify_by].astype(str).apply("".join, axis=1) ) # So you can pass in a decimal proportion of total dataframe or number of samples sample_n = ( sample_size if sample_size >= 1 else int(round(sample_size * self.df.shape[0])) ) if sampling_strategy == "stratify": doc_ids = self._stratify_sample(sample_n) elif sampling_strategy == "stratify_even": doc_ids = self._stratify_even_sample(sample_n) elif sampling_strategy == "stratify_guaranteed": doc_ids = self._stratify_guaranteed_sample(sample_n) del self.df["_stratify_by"] if self.verbose: print("Sample of %i extracted" % (len(doc_ids))) return list(doc_ids)
def _random_sample(self, sample_size): if self.verbose: print("Basic random sample") if sample_size >= 1: return self.df.sample(int(sample_size), random_state=self.seed)[self.id_col] else: return self.df.sample(frac=float(sample_size), random_state=self.seed)[ self.id_col ] def _stratify_sample(self, sample_size): if self.verbose: print("Kish-style stratification") # Subset & copy cols that we care about data = self.df.copy()[[self.id_col] + ["_stratify_by"]] frame_size = data.shape[0] # Shuffle the dataframe if self.verbose: print("Random seed: {}".format(self.seed)) np.random.seed(self.seed) if self.verbose: print("Dataframe before sorting: {}".format(data.head())) data.index = np.random.permutation(data.index) # Re-sort grouped by strata data = data.groupby("_stratify_by").apply(lambda x: x.sort_index()) data.index = list(range(0, frame_size)) if self.verbose: print("Dataframe after shuffle & groupby sorting: {}".format(data.head())) skip_interval = float(frame_size) / float(sample_size) start_index = np.random.uniform(0, skip_interval) # index to start from if self.verbose: print("Start index: {}".format(start_index)) sample_index = np.round( (np.zeros(sample_size) + start_index) + (np.arange(sample_size) * skip_interval) ) # Return the real id column sample_ids = data[data.index.isin(sample_index)][self.id_col].values return sample_ids def _stratify_even_sample(self, sample_size): random.seed(self.seed) docs_per_strata = int( float(sample_size) / float(self.df.groupby("_stratify_by")[self.id_col].count().count()) ) if self.verbose: print( "Drawing even samples of {} across all stratification groups".format( docs_per_strata ) ) doc_ids = [] for strata in self.df["_stratify_by"].unique(): strata_data = self.df[self.df["_stratify_by"] == strata] doc_ids.extend( list(strata_data.sample(docs_per_strata)[self.id_col].values) ) if len(doc_ids) < sample_size: doc_ids.extend( list(self.df.sample(sample_size - len(doc_ids))[self.id_col].values) ) return doc_ids def _stratify_guaranteed_sample(self, sample_size): # Number of groups to stratify by must be less than the total sample size strata_groups = self.df.groupby("_stratify_by")[self.id_col].count().count() if sample_size > strata_groups: if self.verbose: print( "Sampling one document per strata first ({} strata total)".format( strata_groups ) ) strata_one = ( self.df.groupby("_stratify_by") .apply(lambda x: x.sample(1, random_state=self.seed))[self.id_col] .values ) else: if self.verbose: print( "There are more strata groups ({}) than things to sample: {}".format( strata_groups, sample_size ) ) strata_one = ( self.df.groupby("_stratify_by") .apply(lambda x: x.sample(1, random_state=self.seed))[self.id_col] .sample(sample_size) .values ) left_to_sample = sample_size - len(strata_one) if left_to_sample > 0: doc_ids = SampleExtractor( self.df[~self.df[self.id_col].isin(strata_one)], self.id_col, seed=self.seed, verbose=self.verbose, )._stratify_sample(left_to_sample) doc_ids = list(doc_ids) + list(strata_one) else: if self.verbose: print("Nothing left to sample, no stratification applied") doc_ids = strata_one return doc_ids