Source code for pewanalytics.text.ner

from builtins import str
from builtins import object
import nltk
import spacy
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag, ne_chunk
from pewtils import decode_text

[docs]class NamedEntityExtractor(object): """ A wrapper around NLTK and SpaCy for named entity extraction. May be expanded to include more libraries in the \ future. :param method: Specify the library to use when extracting methods. Options are 'nltk', 'spacy', 'all'. If \ 'all' is selected, both libraries will be used and the union will be returned. (Default='spacy') :type method: str Usage:: from pewanalytics.text.ner import NamedEntityExtractor import nltk"inaugural") fileid = nltk.corpus.inaugural.fileids()[0] text = nltk.corpus.inaugural.raw(fileid) >>> ner = NamedEntityExtractor(method="nltk") >>> ner.extract(text) { 'ORGANIZATION': [ 'Parent', 'Invisible Hand', 'Great Author', 'House', 'Constitution', 'Senate', 'Human Race', 'Representatives' ], 'PERSON': ['Almighty Being'], 'GPE': ['Heaven', 'United States', 'American'] } >>> ner = NamedEntityExtractor(method="spacy") >>> ner.extract(text) { 'ORGANIZATION': ['House of Representatives', 'Senate', 'Parent of the Human Race'], 'DATE': ['present month', 'every day', '14th day', 'years'], 'ORDINAL': ['first', 'fifth'], 'GPE': ['United States'], 'NORP': ['republican', 'American'], 'LAW': ['Constitution'] } >>> ner = NamedEntityExtractor(method="all") >>> ner.extract(text) { 'ORGANIZATION': [ 'Representatives', 'Great Author', 'House', 'Parent', 'House of Representatives', 'Parent of the Human Race', 'Invisible Hand', 'Human Race', 'Senate', 'Constitution' ], 'PERSON': ['Almighty Being'], 'GPE': ['Heaven', 'United States', 'American'], 'DATE': ['every day', 'present month', '14th day', 'years'], 'ORDINAL': ['first', 'fifth'], 'NORP': ['republican', 'American'], 'LAW': ['Constitution'] } """ def __init__(self, method="spacy"): if method not in ["nltk", "spacy", "all"]: raise Exception("Available methods are: 'nltk', 'spacy', 'all'") self.method = method self.type_map = { "ORG": "ORGANIZATION", "PER": "PERSON", "LOC": "LOCATION", "FAC": "FACILITY", "VEH": "VEHICLE", "WEA": "WEAPON", "GSP": "GPE", }
[docs] def extract(self, text): """ :param text: a string from which to extract named entities :type text: str :return: dictionary of entities organized by their category :rtype: dict """ try: text = str(text) except Exception as e: text = decode_text(text) roots = defaultdict(list) if self.method in ["nltk", "all"]: try: tree = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text))) except LookupError:"maxent_ne_chunker")"words") tree = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)), binary=True) for branch in tree: if type(branch) is nltk.Tree: leaf = [" ".join(x[0] for x in branch.leaves())] key = self.type_map.get(branch.label(), branch.label()) roots[key].extend(leaf) if self.method in ["spacy", "all"]: # SpaCy try: nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") except OSError:"en_core_web_sm") nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") for entity in nlp(text).ents: entity_text = re.sub( r"^({})\s".format("|".join(stopwords.words("english"))), "", entity.text, ) key = self.type_map.get(entity.label_, entity.label_) roots[key].append(entity_text) return {self.type_map.get(k, k): list(set(v)) for k, v in roots.items()}